ALUCOIL participates in the IX Job Fair at UPV
The human team resources of ALUCOIL was in Vitoria participating in the Job Fair of the University of Bask Country (Campus of Vitoria).
ALUCOIL, specialized in Advances Materials for Building, Transport and Industry was in the Empleo Gune 2019, an event that allows the contact between the enterprises and the recent licensed or which are about to be.
Such event celebrated its IX edition and was organized by the Council and the Campus of Vitoria, which is called UPV-EHU. A total of 34 enterprises collaborated on it and also Alucoil did, in which all the visitors searching new laboral opportunities were attended.
ALUCOIL, bets strongly its laboral offer for young students and professionals, trying to meet new gifted also.
ALUCOIL is compromised with the people and the constant progress.