Alucoil® currently complies with various SDGs indicated by the UN and has also designed a plan to increase the development of each goal.

Alucoil® is committed to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) for 2030 working on a daily basis to:


Alucoil® has an exhaustive occupational hazard policy, and invests great efforts to guarantee the health and safety of all employees. It follows and complies with all the regulations and gives specific courses in Helath & Safety to avoid any type of incident as well as providing all the necessary resources to improve the health and wellbeing of all employees.


Alucoil® has an exhaustive occupational hazard policy, and invests great efforts to guarantee the health and safety of all employees.
Target is get within 2024 ISO 45001 certification.


Alucoil® actively collaborates with local Vocational Training Centres and Universities, and carries out a multitude of internal training courses so that staff can continue to train themselves adapting to new environments. Weekly, there is a language training in order to be able to approach all foreign markets and we invest in specific training so that staff can continue to develop themselves.


Continuously sign new collaboration agreements with training entities to further expand staff training.
Also sign agreements with vocational training centres where students can learn, gain experience and put their acquired knowledge into practice.


Alucoil® has based people’s growth within the company based on meritocracy regardless of gender, age or ethnicity.


Maintain the culture of internal development and promotion through individual development plans, regardless of gender, age or ethnicity. Even though it is not legally required for Alucoil®, a proactive Equality Plan is being developed to certify the internal policy of non-discrimination and equal opportunities for all employees, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or religion.


Alucoil® launched in 2022 energy consumption reduction plan. Periodically, energy consumption is analysed in order to develop new ideas for reducing energy consumption.


By 2024 Alucoil® aims to reach 100% energy consumption from renewable origin.


Human capital is the fundamental pillar of the company’s scale of values. Alucoil® makes quality contracts and more than 90% of the company’s salaries are above the collective bargaining agreement. Alucoil® is committed to inclusive and sustained economic growth, substantially improving living standards, not only economically, but also in terms of training and professional development for the entire workforce.

Alucoil® has training and internal promotion plans for personal and professional growth. It also incorporates people for certain unskilled positions, which can be accessed by people who have not had the possibility of training for economic reasons and gives them the opportunity to start their professional career in the company.



Alucoil®‘s philosophy is based on sharing the company’s successes. The company’s growth enables individuals to grow economically as well, highlighting that more than 90% of the staff enjoy better financial conditions than those outlined in the Collective Agreement. These conditions are periodically reviewed based on the personal evolution and development of the employees.


Industry and innovation is the essential porpuse of Alucoil®. Alucoil® has always been committed to reindustrialisation and proof of this are the many investments in facilities and the start-up of new production lines. Innovation is part of the company’s DNA and permeates the entire team, which works and promotes it on a daily basis in all workplaces through the Innova Program and the ideas for improvement through the Lean methodology implemented in 2021.



In 2024 Alucoil® expects to be able to launch a new A2 panel on the market with unique features and Parasol panel systems, both VERY INNOVATIVE PANELS that is currently not manufactured in Europe.

We are also working on NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENTS of highly innovative products to continue being leaders in innovation.


Alucoil® encourages the reduction of consumption through improvement plans in which all workers are involved through Lean Manufacturing methodology and a culture of optimisation of all resources. Continuous improvement is part of our daily work with big and small ideas focused on the reduction of energy, consumption of raw materials and waste or their reuse in other accessory processes.

A clear example It should be noted that the main raw materials used in the manufacture of Alucoil® panels are recycled raw materials, which greatly favours the circular economy, as Alucoil® products are 100% recyclable:

– Aluminium, the main raw material of Alucoil® is infinitely recyclable, making Alucoil® panels 100% sustainable and environmentally friendly.

– The core scraps that appears during manufacturing is directly reused within the production process, generating zero waste of this material.

In addition, Alucoil® preferentially consumes products from nearby suppliers in order to reduce transport pollution and increase local wealth.





By 2024, Alucoil® aims to achieve Zero Waste certification, certifying that more than 90% of its waste is recycled and turned back into raw material in a Circular Economy.

Following an ambitious recyclability plan, Alucoil® has set itself the target of REDUCING 30% OF ITS WASTE by 2023, becoming a GREENER and SUSTAINABLE factory.

By 2025, Alucoil® aims to achieve carbon neutrality.


All the measures that Alucoil® undertakes in terms of reducing energy consumption, the use of renewable energies and, in particular, the recyclability of the Alucoil® production processes and panels, make the company a firm that provides wealth in a 100% environmentally friendly way, reducing consumption and emissions against climate change. Simply as a reference, the use and recycling of aluminium represents an energy saving of 95% compared to primary aluminium.



• Implementation of an Environmental Management System to promote the Circular Economy through increased use of “green aluminum.”
• Recycle Project, which assists clients in enhancing recycling efforts.
• Annual calculation and reduction of Carbon Footprint.
• Calculation of Water Footprint in 2024.
• Annual evaluation of suppliers based on sustainability criteria and carbon footprint reduction.


Alucoil® has extensive international partnerships as necessary partners in our research, development and innovation to continue to bring the most innovative products to market.
Alucoil® is partner of several associations such as:

– Family Business Association of Castilla y Leon.
– Tecnalia.



Expand at least one solid alliance every two years in order to continue generating collaborations with new sectors that allow the company to continue growing technologically, entrepreneurially and increasing its capacity for innovation, with increasingly respectful and sustainable solutions.



Alucoil® is dedicated to the production of metallic composite panels SIGNI®, LARSON® FR, and LARCORE®.


Our purpose is to produce high-quality and environmentally sustainable products, aimed at achieving the satisfaction of all stakeholders, with the goal of becoming a leading company in the sector.


As a result of the integration between the firm commitment to offering customers high-quality finishes and the awareness of the importance of environmental protection, Alucoil®‘s Management has established this Quality and Environmental Policy. Through this policy, Alucoil® makes public its desire and commitment to contribute to continuous improvement in all aspects of its work, both now and in the future.


The Quality and Environmental Policy is based on:

Establishing and reviewing objectives that allow Alucoil to achieve its purposes.

Complying with the legal and regulatory requirements demanded by the Administration, as well as other requirements from Customers, Stakeholders, or subscribed standards.

Committing to continuously improve the Management System by establishing indicators that allow us to measure and improve both the effectiveness of the quality and environmental management system and environmental performance, preventing pollution, and protecting the environment.

Integrating all departments within the company, meaning the active participation of all personnel. The fundamental idea is that quality and the environment are not just the responsibility of a few; it involves everyone, and together it can either be built or destroyed.

Providing training, instruction, and motivation for the personnel of each organization in all disciplines.

Seeking techniques and methods to valorize the waste produced by the organization, reducing its impact on the environment.

Reducing the consumption of natural resources in our manufacturing processes as much as possible and feasible.

Minimizing the environmental impacts generated.

Ensuring growth in sustainable development.

1. El contexto, el alcance y los impactos de las actividades y productos de la empresa.

2. La Integración de todos los departamentos de la empresa, es decir, lograr la participación activa de todo el personal, con idea fundamental de que la calidad y el medioambiente no es una cosa de unos pocos; es de todos y entre todos se construye o se destruye.

3. El Compromiso de cumplir con los requisitos legales y reglamentarios exigidos por la Administración así como otros requisitos de Clientes, Partes interesadas, o estándares suscritos.

4. El compromiso de mejorar continuamente en la eficacia del sistema de gestión medioambiental, previniendo la contaminación y protegiendo el medio ambiente.

5. Proporcionando un marco de referencia para establecer y revisar los objetivos y metas propuestos.

6. Impartiendo Formación, Adiestramiento y Motivación del personal de la organización en todas las disciplinas.

7. Buscando técnicas y métodos de valorización de los residuos producidos por la organización que disminuyan su impacto en el entorno.

8. Disminuyendo el consumo de recursos naturales, en nuestros procesos de fabricación, en la medida que sea posible y viable.

9. Minimizando los costes económicos medioambientales generados. Asegurando un crecimiento en el desarrollo sostenible.