ALUCOIL continues being at the forefront getting international certificates.
On last April, the well-regarded EPD certificate, proved according to the International EPD Systems, was renewed to its composite LARSON® PE and FR panels.
The EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) is an environmental certificate prepared in accordance with the International Standard ISO 14025 (environmental labels and declarations) which offers trustworthy, transparent and confirmed information related to the life cycle of a product.
Currently AENOR counts with mutual recognition in force agreements with the Swedish manager EPD International AB, which arranges the International EPD Systems – Environdec Programm, who ratifies this certificate as self-reliant.
This fact gains importance because it certifies that LARSON® panels and its process of manufacture maintain the agreement with the environment, being reinforced on this way, the image of ALUCOIL as international manufacturer, focused on the existence and progress of all its products.