ALUCOIL participates in the on arc fair
ALUCOIL adds and continues with the online events. Despite the world pandemic, it has not stopped and continues as always, serving its customers.
This time, ALUCOIL has been present at the virtual on arc fair, a convergence space where a large number of Australian architects and internationally recognized brands have participated and presented their newest products.
In this event the new installation system Hidetech® LIGHT has been presented, for the 6 mm larcore® panels, a much more versatile and fast to install system. This new system, designed especially for building cladding, has a fire classification of A2-s1, d0.
Furthermore, larcore® panels have recently obtained the EPD certificate, an environmental certificate issued in accordance with the international ISO 14025 standard (type III eco-labels) which provides reliable, transparent and verified information on the life cycle of a product, once again demonstrating ALUCOIL‘s commitment to caring for the environment and responsible production and consumption (ODS 12).
ALUCOIL, proposes innovative and quality solutions for the building sector.