
HomeNews (Page 7)

Faster, more visually attractive and user friendly, ALIBÉRICO updates and modernizes its online presence with this new site. The new corporate website includes the high growth that ALIBÉRICO has experienced through its internationalization as well as the creation of new companies in Spain, strengthening its industrial

The APD (Architectural Project Development) team of ALUCOIL is present in the most important events of architecture. ALUCOIL reinforces its international presence and interacts with the industry through conferences, congresses, workshops, presentations, seminaries and exhibitions all over the world. ALUCOIL is committed to the avant-garde design and

Gold Sponsor of the VIII International Congress on Architectural Envelopes ICAE 2018. ALUCOIL will participate as Gold Sponsor in the 8th edition of ICAE (International Congress on Architectural Envelopes) from 20th to 22nd June in the Palacio de Congresos y Auditorio Kursaal in San Sebastián, Spain.

The most innovative products of ALUCOIL are showed in Paris for more than 2.000 visitors. ALUCOIL has participated in the 4th edition of the exhibition M’L (Materials & Light) that started on last 25th April in the French capital. Each year this event, in which the